Wednesday, February 12, 2025

I miss you, Dad

You were the only one who truly understood the struggles within me.

Your guidance and wisdom resembled a beacon of light showing me the way amidst turbulent waters.

I remember how we would talk while driving for long distances, during which you always had answers to every problem or at least an understanding manner.

Now, life feels different, emptier where your presence used to be. However, this world keeps going, and days keep passing, but there is that void that no one else can fill.

However, at such moments of sadness, I find strength in your memory as well. Among other things you taught me about resilience, the value of kindness and what it means to have integrity.

Dad, thank you for being my support system. Even though you are not around anymore, your spirit still shows me the way and fills me with love from deep within my heart.

So I will bear you until we meet again holding onto each piece of memory so as to become a better person in society and make you proud.

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