Sunday, September 15, 2024

Life is about choices we make

“But you know, that is also fine. The bottom line is that you should be happy with whatever choices you make in life”, he said.

My friend and I were talking about our other friend. According to me, he has settled for less than what he deserved. Then my friend said the above line.

We do make many decisions in life. Sometimes we leave better for good in life according to our priorities. We often settle for something less than we deserve in one area of our life to make the other area best. It’s ultimately what makes us happy.

I have seen my friends leaving many significant opportunities to maintain their personal lives, and I have seen many people leave better personal lives for better career opportunities.

Now, when we look at it, we feel that person could have altered decisions. But I understood that nothing is good or better; we need to be happy with the choices we make.

Whenever we make decisions, we always take a view on what is more important and what will make us happy. Here, we must respect our own choices and don’t let ourselves regret any choices we make. Regretting choices can only harm our happiness.

There’s no wrong in choosing family life over money, and there’s no wrong in choosing career over personal life. In the end, it should make you happy. Any regrets, conflicts in our minds will badly affect the outcomes of our choices.

Don’t ever regret the choices you made if those choices are somewhere the reason for your happiness. Respect your own decisions, choices, and prove them correct in life. Don’t let the world decide what is best for you.

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